Forest Flame Tree,Pic by M Miller
Rates, Charges & Vehicles Page

Rates & Charges for NO-PROB-LIMO transport services are simple to understand and are kept as low as possible to be competitive with air fares between Sydney and Brisbane. They are especially competitive when two or more travel together.

If during a journey you pay your own way and cover your own expenses as you go, you will only be charged for the Security Officer/Driver rates. NO-PROB-LIMO Security Officer/Driver rates today, November 2014 are $35/hour and will normally equal 8 – 10 hours per day on a major journey.

Otherwise, NO-PROB-LIMO fees are made up of all running costs plus 10%, for charges booked through the company. These include everything, fuels, entry fees, accommodations, road tolls, booking fees, tickets etc., plus a charge for your Security Officer/Driver.

All vehicle maintenance and repairs will be covered by NO-PROB-LIMO. In case of a vehicle breakdown (apart from flat-tyres) the Security Officer/Driver charges will stop until the journey is continued. In case of a breakdown where repairs are not possible, a hire vehicle will be used to complete the journey at no cost to the client apart from the fuel used – as per the original agreed contract.

If the client isn't happy with our vehicles and has a preferred vehicle for a trip, a NO-PROB-LIMO Security Officer/Driver can drive that vehicle for the client under the same plus 10% for charges booked through NO-PROB-LIMO, unless supplied by the client.

For domestic clients and short distance transport services like to and from regional airports, NO-PROB-LIMO has a minimum call-out fee equalling a three hour booking for the deiver. Fuel equals around $20/hour for the Ford Fairlane or Nissan Patrol, the fuel is charged only per/hour, not a 3hr block.

Short notice call-out fee adds $30, although short notice call-outs may not be possible.

Our Vehicles

NO-PR0B-LIMO has created a special car to provide comfortable and safe travel.

Our customised 1976 ZH - Ford Fairlane has been raised-up and fitted with under-armour, extra strong suspension and heavy-duty tyres to handle the rough roads of the Australian Outback. To improve economy and emissions she has been converted to run exclusively on LPG (liquid petroleum gas). This classic Australian car was originally made to provide luxury transport on all Australian roads and was very popular with graziers and farmers in The Outback. We have taken this classic Australian car and made it even better. She looks great on the road and is very appropriate for special occasions and formal receptions like weddings and openings.  See photo below.

Or our four-wheel-drive Nissan Patrol. This vehicle offers access to some roads and places the Fairlane can't drive and is also very comfortable.

We include a cargo trailer for luggage, fuel and tools on long distance journeys at no extra cost.

If you wish to camp-out on your journey, this is fine but you need to provide your own camping equipment, we can carry it combined with our own basic camping equipment support gear.


Planned Or Spontaneous Journeys In Australia

One Hour - One Day - Weekend - Whatever

Enquiries & Bookings - 61 (0)427 571 770

Australian Company Number - 109822577 Master Security Licence Number - 408 861 592